
Art and Experience 2011
New friends, old friends, volunteers and contributors raised the fun and fund quotient at our most successful event to date.


Art and Experience 2011 Photos
From henna tattoos and painting in hospital gowns to wine pairing, hors d'oeuvres, and a somewhat less than conventional auctioneering duo, Art and Experience was a creative sensation that made its mark on the Calgary event scene.


Art and Experience 2011 Photos 2
No bats but plenty of boas at the Belfry!


Art and Experience 2011 Photos 3
More faces and fun


Get Happy!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Art and Experience Raffle. Congratulations to Felix Kwan, proud winner of "Happy Go Poppy"(pictured here), Roy Christie, who will soon be off to Jasper and Jody Wivcharuk who took away a new Blue-ray player.


PaintFest Calgary Sneak-a-Peek
The August long weekend was picture perfect in more ways than one as hundreds of volunteers, patients, medical staff and friends joined with Art à la Carte and The Foundation for Hospital Art to paint the world a brighter place.


Information evening at Gibson Fine Art
Gibson Fine Art welcomes guests of Art à la Carte for a private viewing and information evening.


Information evening photos
Sarah Lund captures highlights from our wonderful information evening.

Looking up at the tree buds conveys hope for spring. It's as if you'll tiptoe into the next season, regardless of your [medical] outcome. 
-Cancer patient, Mary